Thursday, September 4, 2008

Human Synergy Moon Project

Human synergy [definition] relates to interacting humans. Synergy usually arises when two persons with different complementary skills cooperate. For example, say person A alone is too short to reach an apple on a tree and person B is too short as well. Once person B sits on the shoulders of person A, they are more than tall enough to reach the apple....

Human Synergy Moon Project is about to participate and to win The Google Lunar X-Prize
The only limitation is your own imagination.


Human Synergy Moon Project

This is why I do it.

These are my general answers to common questions I get from people. Not only for this project, but for almost every project I started in my life.

Why? Simple answer is: Why not? [ because we can :) ]
But definitely NOT for the prize it self - thats for the investors. NOT for the fame - thats for the sponsors.
Is it possible? For sure! It was done so many times anyway...
How? That's our secret for a while :)

When the first X-Prize was set, to reach 100km , I wanted to join any team that was about to go to 0 gravity. In that time, no internet - no information on who or how to join.
When they did it, Richard Branson, Paul G. Allen, Burt Rutan [ they managed 328,000 feet ] I was watching it on TV and I was so happy and proud on that like I was part of it. Later, when I watched the documentary about it, I even cried [happy emotions]. Most people are crying by watching the movies, I cried watching documentary :)
And who win the prize, or to put it more correctly, who did it? Richard Branson - Started with Sex Pistols. Paul G. Allen - started with MS DOS. Burt Rutan THE INVENTOR and the dreamer. Small team - big dream and big "balls".
So, we have all above [ only no pistols :) ]. Plus we have more inventors, operating systems and "sex" [balls and tits]. And we will put it all together to make this dream reality.
Because "Most People Go To Bed To Dream - Only Few Get Up From Bed To Live Their Dreams". We are this "Few" - thats for sure :)
One more thing to remember - The Only Limitation Is Your Own Imagination.
to be continued.....